Import and Manage People

Add a Sign-up Form to your Newsletter or Website

Sign-Up Forms allow your readers to subscribe to receive specific email communications.
How To Guide | Last Modified 6 March, 2024

Add Display Columns when Viewing Search Results

When viewing the results of a search of saved search, you may want to see more of your employee data. Add or remove columns to see the data you need to.
How To Guide | Last Modified 11 November, 2021

Advanced Search

Advanced Search lets you create and run complex searches for your employees, by grouping multiple search criteria.
How To Guide | Last Modified 13 June, 2024

Apply Tags to People

Applying Tags to People is a simple but effective way of segmenting your audience so that you can send targeted messages. Learn what tags are and how to add employees to your tags.
How To Guide | Last Modified 23 February, 2024

Create a Folder to Organise your Tags

You can create folders to make organising Tags in your account easier. Use the instructions to create folders and move your tags between them.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 December, 2022

Create a Tag

A Tag is a static group of employees. Creating a Tag and applying it to your People allows you to send targeted communications.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Create and Edit a Sign-up Form

Use the instructions in this article to create and edit a Sign-up Form.
How To Guide | Last Modified 29 March, 2024

Deactivate and Reactivate your People

Learn how to deactivate and reactivate your People through search and import.
How To Guide | Last Modified 26 February, 2024

Delete a Tag

Find out how to quickly and easily delete old Tags from your account.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Delete an Audience

This article shows you how to Delete an Audience.
How To Guide | Last Modified 5 December, 2022

Download a List of People

Use the instructions in this article to download a list of your People. You can download a list to include your active People, inactive People and those who have unsubscribed. The data will be downloaded ad a .CSV file for you to keep or to use outside of
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Download a list of People that have Unsubscribed

Use the instructions in this article to download a list of your People. You can download a list to include your active People, inactive People and those who have unsubscribed. The data will be downloaded as a .CSV file for you to keep or to use outside of
How To Guide | Last Modified 5 December, 2022

Edit a Saved Search

Use the steps in this article to edit a saved search, including changing the name, description and Search Criteria.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Edit an Audience

Learn how to Edit an Audience.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Employee Data Fields

Learn about fields, the fields available by default in your Poppulo Harmony account, and how to rename or create fields.
How To Guide | Last Modified 8 March, 2024

Find Inactive People

Learn to find inactive people and target employees that have unsubscribed.
How To Guide | Last Modified 26 February, 2024

How to Use Audiences

An Audience is a permission given to a group of People and a Folder in order to let them receive emails from that Folder.
How To Guide | Last Modified 6 March, 2024

I Accidentally Deleted a Tag

Once a Tag is deleted, it's gone - however, here are some workarounds to help you try to identify the employees who were in a deleted Tag.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Import People Email Addresses and Data

Learn how to manually import employee email addresses and data.
How To Guide | Last Modified 27 March, 2024

Invert your Search

Invert your search to view People who do NOT meet your criteria.
How To Guide | Last Modified 8 December, 2022

Manage your Saved Searches

It's important to keep your Saved Searches organised. You can group your Saved Searches into folders, move them between folders and use the search bar to locate your Saved Search Database.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Move Tags into a Different Folder

You can create folders to make organising Tags in your account easier. You can also move Tags between your folders by using the instructions in this article.
How To Guide | Last Modified 2 December, 2022

Remove People from a Tag

Learn how to remove People from a Tag.
How To Guide | Last Modified 26 February, 2024

Run a Saved Search

When running a Search, you can save the search as Saved Search to use later when sending or searching. You can run a saved search and view the list of employees in the results.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Run and Save a People Search

Search lets you identify employees based on any field of data within Poppulo Harmony. You can Save a Search to create a list for sending emails or segmenting reports.
How To Guide | Last Modified 26 March, 2024

Search for an Employee Based on Country

Use the Search to locate People in your account based on their Country.
How To Guide | Last Modified 8 December, 2022

Search for People by Email Address

Use the Search to locate employees based on their email address.
How To Guide | Last Modified 6 December, 2022

Search for People using the "Reports to" Feature

Search using the 'Reports to' feature to help with targeting your sends or checking your employee Data.
How To Guide | Last Modified 6 December, 2022

The "Reports to" Hierarchy Explained

When using the 'Reports to' feature, you can add multiple levels based on your organisation management structure.
How To Guide | Last Modified 10 November, 2022

Unsubscribe Settings

If you allow your employees to subscribe to different Folders across your organisation, you can control how they manage their subscriptions through the Unsubscribe Settings.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Update the Preferred Email Format for Employees

Set the preferred email format for your People, choose between plain text and html.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Upload to a Tag

Upload to a tag for those ad-hoc sends, when opted in to Enterprise People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 3 November, 2023

Using Employee ID as the Unique Identifier

Use this article for steps the steps to use Employee ID as the unique identifier for your People. With Employee ID as the unique identifier, employee email addresses can be changed/updated.
How To Guide | Last Modified 24 April, 2023

Using the "Reports to" Feature

Use the 'Reports to' feature to help with targeting your sends or checking your People Data.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

View the Results of your People Import

Reviewing your People imports is a good way verify imports, or to spot if any employee data was not imported into Poppulo Harmony.
How To Guide | Last Modified 23 February, 2024

View your Employee Activity

View the activity of your employees for insights into what communications they have engaged with.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Why Can't I See All My People?

What to do if you notice some People are not receiving your communications.
How To Guide | Last Modified 24 April, 2023

Why Can't I See Audiences in my Account?

What is an Audience? Accounts with Simple Audience Management do not need to manage their Audiences.
How To Guide | Last Modified 28 February, 2024

Why did my Employees Receive a Block of Text?

Avoid employees receiving a block of plain text rather than the wonderful Newsletter you've been working on.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022