Enterprise Features

Access Enterprise Content

Access the content in your Enterprise Library.
How To Guide | Last Modified 8 December, 2022

Access the Admin Area for your Enterprise Content Library

View and edit account settings in your Enterprise Content Library.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 December, 2022

Add a Library to your Enterprise Content Library

Add a shared library to your Enterprise Content Library.
How To Guide | Last Modified 8 December, 2022

Add a User to a Sub-Account in Enterprise

Give a Sub-Account user access to additional Sub-Accounts in Poppulo Harmony Enterprise.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Add an Approved Sender Profile

Restrict users to using sender details on an Approved Senders List when sending in an Enterprise sub-account.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Add New Content to your Enterprise Content Library

Add content to your Enterprise Content Library
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 December, 2022

Create a User in Enterprise

Add additional users to your Enterprise and decide the access they the user has.
How To Guide | Last Modified 28 May, 2024

Create an Email in Enterprise Cascade

Using the Enterprise Cascade, Enterprise Users can create and ‘push’ emails. Sub-Accounts receive these emails and can add, edit or remove local content before sending.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 December, 2022

Enterprise Calendar Explained

Learn how to filter by group and create blackout rules for your Sub-Accounts in the Enterprise Calendar.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Enterprise Cascade Explained

Enterprise Cascade lets you push down email content from a central location, into your Sub-Accounts.
How To Guide | Last Modified 5 December, 2022

Enterprise Content Library Explained

The Enterprise Content Library lets Enterprise users import and store images, files and articles that you frequently use or that you wish your Sub-Accounts to use. It is a central location to store content allowing Enterprise Users and Sub-Account users t
How To Guide | Last Modified 5 December, 2022

Enterprise Email Report:s Enterprise Overview

Email Reports: The Email Enterprise Overview dashboard provides Enterprise Admins with a single view of activity across the Enterprise.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Enterprise Monitor Explained

Easily view and manage Poppulo usage across all of your organisation’s accounts with Enterprise Monitor.
How To Guide | Last Modified 2 December, 2022

Enterprise Monitor: Activity Overview

The Enterprise Monitor allows the Enterprise user insight into user engagement within their Sub-Accounts and includes option to view in chart format.
How To Guide | Last Modified 6 December, 2022

Enterprise Monitor: Send Volumes and Quotas

The key feature of the Enterprise Monitor is to enable the enterprise user to quickly ascertain the number of emails sent by each Sub-Account and the percentage of their allocated quota used.
How To Guide | Last Modified 6 December, 2022

Enterprise Monitor: Sub-Accounts

The Sub-Accounts tab in the Monitor module gives an enterprise user a summary of their sub-accounts, including last sends and last logins.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Enterprise Monitor: Users

Enterprise admins have an overview of their users and their activity in the Enterprise Sub-accounts.
How To Guide | Last Modified 3 April, 2023

Enterprise Overview

Whats is Poppulo Harmony Enterprise? Take a look at this article to find out.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Enterprise People Explained

The Enterprise People Module allows Enterprise Account Administrators to store, manage and maintain your employee data in one central, Enterprise level, account.
How To Guide | Last Modified 18 April, 2024

Enterprise People: Fields

Create, edit or lock your Custom Fields in Enterprise People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 26 February, 2024

Enterprise People: Overview

Take a look at your Sub-Account activity and import People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 8 December, 2022

Enterprise People: Saved Searches

Manage the Saved Searches in your Enterprise People module.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Enterprise People: Search

Search for employees and save your searches in Enterprise People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 December, 2022

Enterprise People: Sub-Account Lists

A sub-account list is a list of employees generated by a Search. Access, create, edit and delete your sub-account lists in Enterprise People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Enterprise Reports Explained

Enterprise Reports provide you with detailed intelligence on how Poppulo is being used across your organisation – allowing you to easily spot areas of low and high engagement and to share best practice.
Best Practice Guide | Last Modified 9 July, 2019

Enterprise Settings Explained

The Enterprise Settings area allows you to view/edit the Enterprise account settings, set restricted sender details, view/edit/create new users and roles and even view user logs to monitor detailed activity.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 December, 2022

Enterprise Settings: Roles

View a list of the user roles you can assign when creating an Enterprise User.
How To Guide | Last Modified 5 December, 2022

Enterprise Settings: Settings

Make changes to you Enterprise Account Settings including Primary Contact, display date format and Opt-Out Options.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 March, 2023

Enterprise Settings: Sub-Account Settings

Edit the Restricted Sender Email Addresses for your Enterprise Sub-accounts or Allow Sub-Account Access to Library Templates.
How To Guide | Last Modified 5 December, 2022

Enterprise Settings: User Logs

Search for Activities completed by your Enterprise Users and download the results.
How To Guide | Last Modified 6 December, 2022

Enterprise Settings: Users

Manage the User in your Enterprise Account including Enterprise Folder access and password resets.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Enterprise: Clone an Email to Another Sub-Account

Clone an email from one Sub-Account to another.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Grant or Restrict Access to a Shared Library in Enterprise

Decide what Sub-Accounts can access the shared libraries in your Enterprise Content Library.
How To Guide | Last Modified 5 December, 2022

Push an Email in Enterprise Cascade

Using Cascade, Enterprise Users can create and ‘push’ emails. Sub-Accounts receive these emails and can add, edit or remove local content before sending to employees.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 December, 2022

Receiving a Pushed Email in your Sub-Account

See what receiving a pushed email looks like as a Sub-Account user.
How To Guide | Last Modified 8 December, 2022

Sub-Accounts and Enterprise People

When your account is managed by Enterprise and opted into Enterprise People, your employee data will be managed by your Enterprise Administrator. Use this article to gain insight into the changes in a Sub-account opted into Enterprise People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 1 December, 2022

Upload to a Tag

Upload to a tag for those ad-hoc sends, when opted in to Enterprise People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 3 November, 2023

View your Sub-Account Monitoring Report

See what content your Sub-Accounts are using from your Enterprise Content Library
How To Guide | Last Modified 8 December, 2022

What is Enterprise and its Sub-accounts?

This article explains the purpose of a Poppulo Enterprise account and its sub-accounts.
How To Guide | Last Modified 19 June, 2024