
Advanced Email Reports: Campaigns

The Email Campaigns dashboard shows a variety of reports tracking the performance of any Campaigns you've created across multiple channels.
How To Guide | Last Modified 25 July, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Click Map

Click Maps let you view and export a visual heat map of employee click activity, allowing you to see what content is most popular with your readers.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Create a Custom Report

Custom Reports allow you to examine particular audience segments or statistics that are important to your organisation. Use the instructions here to create your custom report.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Edit or Delete a Custom Report

Custom Reports allow you to examine particular audience segments or statistics that are important to your organisation.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Engagement

See what content your readers engage with, and how they interact with your emails.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Mailing Performance

View the Core Readership, Top Destinations and Opens and Clicks on an email through the Mailing Performance dashboard.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Overview

The Email Account Overview reports on a number of different aspects of the activity and performance of Email communications in your Account.  
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Performance

Email Reports: The Email Performance report lets you view the results and performance of all your Emails across your Enterprise and individual Accounts
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Run a Custom Report

Custom Reports allow you to examine particular audience segments or statistics that are important to your organisation. Use the instructions here to run your custom report.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Send & Open Heatmaps

Email Reports: The Email Sends & Open Heatmaps dashboard allows you to see the busiest times for Email sends and opens.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Advanced Multichannel Reports: Campaigns

The Multichannel Campaigns report dashboard tracks the performance of any Campaigns you've created across multiple channels.
How To Guide | Last Modified 25 July, 2024

Advanced Multichannel Reports: Content Insights

AI powered Content Insights help provide an understanding of the top 10 most prevalent themes in your Feed content.
How To Guide | Last Modified 25 July, 2024

Advanced Multichannel Reports: Content Performance

Multichannel Content Performance reports provide a view of engagement on your content across multiple channels.
How To Guide | Last Modified 25 July, 2024

Advanced Multichannel Reports: Overview

Multichannel Overview reports let you view the results and performance of all your communications across multiple channels.
How To Guide | Last Modified 25 July, 2024

Advanced Reports: Additional Reports

Additional Reports allow you to review employee engagement across emails using reported related data such as open and clicks, survey responses, and platforms and devices.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Campaigns: Apply Campaigns to your Content

Add individual articles, feed posts or an entire email to a Campaign for more precise reporting.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Campaigns: Create or Delete a Campaign

Learn how to create or delete a Cross Channel Campaign in the Poppulo Harmony Platform.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Campaigns: View a Campaign Activity Report

Learn to view an activity report for your Campaigns.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Reports: Click Map

Click Maps let you view and export a visual map of employee click activity, allowing you to see what content is most popular with your readers.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Reports: Combine Metric Search Criteria

Combine search criteria when using Metric Search to locate People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Reports: Create a Custom Report

Custom Reports allow you to examine particular audience segments or statistics that are important to your organisation. Use the instructions here to run your custom report.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Reports: Edit or Delete a Custom Report

Custom Reports allow you to examine particular audience segments or statistics that are important to your organisation. Use the instructions here to edit your custom report.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Reports: Engagement Reports

See what content your readers engage with, and how they interact with your emails.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Reports: Invert your Metric Search

Invert your search when you use Metric Search. Also known as a negative search.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Reports: Overview

Overview Reports lets you view the results and performance of your Emails at a glance.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Reports: Platform

See what type of platform - such as device, email client, web browsers, mobile device and operating system - your readers use to view your email communications.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Reports: Run a Custom Report

Custom Reports allow you to examine particular audience segments or statistics that are important to your organisation. Use the instructions here to run your custom report.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Reports: Run a Metric Search

Metric Search lets you identify People based on reporting related data such as, opens, clicks and survey results.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Restrict Access to People Information in Reports

Prevent the users of your account from drilling down to employee information in the Reports area.
How To Guide | Last Modified 24 April, 2023

Search for Non-Engaged People

Use a Metric Search to target Non-Engaged People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Use Google to Track External Links

Surface Poppulo employee data through your existing Google Analytics account using the Track External Links feature.
How To Guide | Last Modified 24 April, 2023

View your Survey Results

After running a survey, you can quickly and easily view the survey results in the reports area of your account.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

What’s the Difference Between Opens and Clicks?

Opens and clicks are two of the most important metrics for measuring content popularity. We explain how Poppulo's system measures each metric, and the difference between the two.
Best Practice Guide | Last Modified 28 February, 2019

Why can't I see the 'Not Opened By' figure in my Reports Overview?

If the 'Not Opened By' figure doesn't appear in your account, use a metric search to target your People.
How To Guide | Last Modified 27 September, 2022

Why do my Content Popularity and Click Map figures not match? 

A common question when viewing Reports is answered in this article.
How To Guide | Last Modified 22 November, 2021