
A Quick Guide to Sending your First Event

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  1. Log into your Poppulo Harmony Account.


Manage your Employee Data

To send events in Poppulo Harmony, you'll need people to send to. Your employee email addresses must be imported into your Poppulo Harmony account before you can send.

The three ways employee data may be imported into Poppulo Harmony are:

Create your Event

  1. To create an event (Advanced or Simple), click Create New Event.

  • If creating a Simple Event, proceed through the create/send steps. Note: Simple events do not support styled templates or audience tracking.

  • For Advanced Events, similar to Newsletters/Flyers, select a template from My Account Templates, or if accessible, the Poppulo Library Templates.

  1. After selecting to add an Advanced Event, a new event folder is created, which houses and reports on this event. Unlike Newsletters/Flyers, however, Advanced Events are limited to one Event (plus its follow-ups) to one Folder. If required, users may also Clone Events.


Customize your Advanced Event

Once you've chosen your template, there are additional details and settings you can add while creating your Event, before you Save & Edit. These setting appear under the following tabs:

Event Name is the only mandatory field when creating an Event and all of the additional settings below can be updated or edited later. If you have already Saved your event and are now in Edit View, you can access the settings under Event Settings.


Adding Content

Similar to adding content to Newsletters/Flyers, you can use the Content Editor in the different components of your Event to customize your invitation. Depending on which template you have chosen you may also have Layout and Theme options available to you.


Adding/Editing a Registration Form

Adding an Event Registration Form to your invite is a great way to gather extra details from your invitees.

You can include a Registration form during the process to Create an Event Invitation, or follow the instructions below if you have already created the event invitation email.
Add a Registration form to your Event
Edit the Registration form of your Event


Testing / Sending

There are a couple of options to choose from when it's time to send your Event email. We always recommend testing your Event email by Sending a Quick Test for your Event or Sending for Review before your live send or scheduled send. When it’s time to send the Event live, please use Approve and Send your Event for guidance.


Managing, Following-Up or Canceling

With an Advanced Event, you can manage it and view how people have engaged with your invite and you can manually add new invitees, or Accept and Decline an invitation if asked to do so. One of the biggest benefits of using Advanced Events is the ability to view exactly many people have accepted, declined or not yet responded. This allows you to send follow-up communications to invitees based on their response.


When you cancel a live event, a cancellation email is sent to any invitee that has accepted the invite, removing the event from their calendar. The cancellation email is a plain text email with an attached ICS file; you can customise the message in the cancellation email.

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