Sometimes you may want to repeat an article that appeared in a previous email. For instance, reminding employees about a competition or task that needs to be completed by a certain date.
Rather than create a new article and re-enter your content, you can simply pull the original article directly into your Newsletter. You can pull from a number of sources.
To Import an Article from a Previous Email / Media Library:
Open the Email you would like to import the Article into.
In Edit, navigate to the Articles drop-down and select From Previous Emails / Library.

Enter the Title of the Article you'd like to Import, and choose where to search using the from drop-down (All, Library, or Emails). Then, select Search.

Note: Leaving the Title blank and searching from All will return all Articles available for import, from your Previous Emails (in this folder) and in your Library.
You'll have a number of options to import your article:
Use the checkboxes to choose the Articles you'd like to import. Then, select Import.

Your article will appear in your Email and in your Articles list. You can drag the article into place in your email.

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To Search for all available Articles:
Leave the Title blank and select All in the from drop-down.

Note: You can enter the Article Name or Keyword in the Title.
Choose Search.
To Search for Articles from a Previous Email:
Leave the Title blank and choose Previous Email in the from drop-down.

Note: You can enter the Article Name or Keyword in the Title.
In the Email drop-down, choose a specific Email or leave blank to search all.
Select Search.
To Search for Articles Stored in your Library:
Leave the Title blank and choose Library in the from drop-down.

Note: You can enter the Article Name or Keyword in the Title.
In the Folder drop-down, choose a specific Library Folder or leave blank to search all.
Select Search.
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To Import an Article from another Folder:
Edit the Email you would like to import the article into.
In the Email Edit view, navigate to the Articles drop-down and click From another Folder.

Enter a Title and choose a specific Folder, or All Folders in the from drop-down. Then, click Search.

Note: Leaving the Title blank and searching from All Folders will return all articles available for import.
Alternatively, search for articles from a specific folder. Enter an article Title or an email Title to narrow the search. Then click Search.

Use the checkboxes to choose the articles you'd like to import. Then, click Import.

Your article will appear in your articles list. You can Edit an Article or Reorder your Articles in your Newsletter.

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To Import Articles from an RSS Feed into your Email:
- In the Articles drop-down of 5he Edit Email view, choose From an RSS Feed.

Choose an RSS Feed to add Articles from (or Add an RSS feed to your account).

From the list, select the checkbox next to any articles you want to import. Then choose Next.

Choose the Status for your articles and assign them to a particular Section. Then, choose Next to import the articles.

Once the Articles are imported, select Done.

You Articles will now appear in your Email and are accessible in the Articles list.

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To Import a Feed or Mobile Post into your Newsletter:
Edit the Email you would like to import the article into.
In the Newsletter Editor, navigate to the Articles drop-down and click From Mobile Posts.

Use the checkboxes to choose the posts you'd like to import, then click Import Selected.

The post will be added to the Article list in the email. Click Go to Articles to view it.

Note: You can also Convert an Article to a Feed Post or Convert an Article to a Mobile Post
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