Every time you Add an Image to one of your articles, you have the option of opening the Image Editor using the pencil icon; allowing you to adjust the image before it's added to your article. With the Image Editor, you can easily crop your images to the same aspect ratio, for visual conformity within your newsletter.

Use the instructions below to crop an image.
To Crop your Image using the Image Editor
Add an Image within your content or Add an Image using Placeholders. Use the pencil edit icon to open the Image Editor.

Crop your image using the Aspect ratio drop down.

Note: To easily align images, especially those in two and three column layouts, we recommend choosing the same aspect ratio crop for your images in the Image Editor.
You can also manually crop by choosing the Free option from the Aspect ratio drop down and dragging each corner to your desired crop.

Note: If you crop your image too tightly, a recommendation will appear: "This crop is too small. We recommend cropping it a little larger." Images cropped smaller may look blurry or distorted in your communications.
Select Done to save the crop.

Note: You can also select Reset to undo your cropping.