The Sent feature make it easy to find sent Emails or sent Events. Use the instructions below to view items in your Sent Items.
To View your Sent Items:
In the Comms area of your account, select Emails from the menu on the left.

Note: Click Events and complete the steps below for sent events.
Click the Sent Emails tab.

Use the Search Box search by Subject Line/Email Title. You can also search by Folder.

Note: You can toggle to Mailings or particular emails as well as toggle to the Outbox to view any messages that are in progress or scheduled to send.
By default, all emails sent in the account will appear in a list (Alternatively, search using instructions in Step 3); results can be sorted by date Sent, Status, Email and Folder. Information for the To and Subject Line are also viewable, but you cannot sort the results using these.

Note: The Show Test checkbox allows you to include or exclude, Test Emails.