Enterprise People allows Enterprise Administrators to import, manage and store People at Enterprise level. Using Enterprise People means employee Data is no longer managed in each individual Sub-account, but in one central Enterprise location. Below is a list of frequently asked questions which may help you gain more insight into what it means to be Sub-account using Enterprise People.
Note: Enterprise People may not be enabled in your account. To enable the feature contact your Enterprise Admin, the Poppulo Support Team or your CSM.
What does Enterprise People mean for my Sub-account?
If your Enterprise Administrator is using Enterprise People they choose which Sub-accounts to Opt in to using it. When opted in, Sub-Accounts do not manage Data, this is handled by the Enterprise Admin. As a result, your Sub-account will have slightly different functionality and options available in the People area. Sub-Accounts not opted in will function as normal.
- Opted in - The Upload to a Tag option is available. Employee Data is managed by your Enterprise Administrator.
- Not opted in - Sub-account manages their own data.
What are the Benefits of using Enterprise People?
Opting in to Enterprise People means your Enterprise Admin assumes all responsibility for Employee Data management. Your Admin will import, manage and maintain your data, they will also choose which People you can search for and send to. This allows you to send freely in your Sub-account without the possibility of sending to employees you don't have permission to send to, you also don't need to worry about updating and maintaining your data allowing you you enjoy a more streamlined Poppulo Harmony experience.
How do I Opt In to Enterprise People?
Sub-Account users cannot Opt in. Your Enterprise Admin will choose to Opt you in during setup. If you'd like to be Opted in to Enterprise People, contact your Enterprise Administrator.
How do I Opt Out of Enterprise People?
Once opted in, you cannot opt out of Enterprise People.
Can I still Search for People when Opted in to Enterprise People?
Yes, provided your Enterprise Admin has made a List available for you. If there is no List available for your account, you will see the following message when searching:

Your Enterprise Administrator will need to make a List available for your Sub-account for normal Search functionality to resume.