
Send to a Friend

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The Send to a Friend feature allows your readers to share your Newsletter with colleagues and friends in a way that you can track in your Poppulo Harmony reports.

  • Many Poppulo Harmony Email templates have a 'Send to a Friend' or 'Forward to a colleague' link included by default.

  • This link is usually on your Newsletter cover page, but it can also be underneath the full story of an article on the article back page. 

  • The text, location, positioning and appearance of this link are all customisable. 

  • If you're using this functionality, a member of our design team will have discussed it with you at setup stage - when your custom templates were being designed.  

  • If you would like to use this functionality and it's not in place on your template, simply contact Poppulo Support in order to set it up.


What the Send to a Friend link does:

When a reader clicks on the 'Send to a Friend' link they'll be presented with a form prompting them to enter:

  • Their name and email address.

  • The recipient's name and email address.

​There is also an editable message area which is pre-populated with a link to the page Send to a Friend was clicked from (i.e. clicking on Send to a Friend from the cover page of an email will send a link to the Web Version of the cover page; clicking on 'Send to a Friend' from an article back page will send a link to that article back page).

When the reader submits this form, an email will be sent to the recipient's email address. This plain text email contains the message specified in the form and a link to the email or article in question.


Reporting on Send to a Friend:

  • If your readers have clicked the send to a friend link, you'll see these clicks in your Reports Overview under the Content Popularity area.

  • Any clicks made by your friend or colleague will also appear on the Click Map for that communication.  

  • If you include the metric 'Who Told a Friend' when you Create a Custom Report.

  • Any clicks made by recipients of a 'Send to a Friend' email will be tracked as anonymous visits to the web version of that email (all clicks will be tracked, but it is not possible to tell who clicked). 

  • You can view anonymous visitor activity by running a Summary Report under the Your Reports tab.

Note: All emails sent to People within your account contain unique tracking codes that link activity to that particular employee. If a reader forwards an email directly from their email client (rather than using the Send to a Friend button in the newsletter), all clicks, comments and other activity by the recipient of the forwarded email will appear as clicks by the original recipient in the Poppulo Harmony reports.


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