
Remove People from a Tag

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You can Create a Tag and then Apply Tags to People allowing you to manually group employees during a Search or Import, and send targeted communications. 

As Tags are static, you will need to physically remove an employee from a Tag if you no longer want them to be a part of that group. Removing an employee from a Tag will not delete them, nor does it mark them as Inactive.

Use the instructions below to Remove Tags from your employees.


To Remove Tags from your People: 

  1. Run a Search to target the employees you'd like remove the Tag from. 
    User-added image

  2. Use the checkbox beside each email address to choose the People you'd like to remove the Tag from. Scroll down to the bottom of the results and select Tags.
    User-added image

  3. Select the Tags you wish to remove from your People, then choose Save.
    User-added image
    Note: You can also Apply Tags to People here, as shown in the example above.

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