Once you've finished adding content to your communication, you can use the Preview function to get an idea of how your email will look in the inbox. If you're using Dynamic Content to display specific content to different groups of employees, then you can also use the Preview functionality to see how it will appear in different employee's inboxes.
Note: Some email clients display HTML emails in slightly different ways. e.g. your email will look slightly different in Outlook than it does in Gmail. Therefore we can't guarantee that the Preview version of your email will be identical to the version that lands in the inbox. Always Send a Quick Test before sending a live email.
To Preview your Email:
- When Editing an Email, click the Preview tab.

Your email will now be viewable in Preview Mode, showing the version that a generic employee will see in their inbox.

Select an option from the Preview Setup to preview your content as a specific person or as an anonymous visitor. (This is useful if you've included content targeted to certain segments of your audience, e.g. by geographic location, team or seniority.)

All content regardless of viewer:
- This is the default option showing all content within the email.
- Any form of personalisation will display as default values e.g. Dear {first name}.
As a specific Person:
- If you're using personalisation or Dynamic Target, selecting a specific employee will allow you to check how the email will appear to that particular person.
- When you select this option, you'll see a text box where you can enter the email address of your selected person.
As an anonymous visitor:
- Allows you to check how your email will appear to a visitor coming from the generic web version of your communication; e.g. an employee accessing the web version via the intranet rather than from their own inbox.
Hide draft articles:
- Allows you to hide articles which are still in draft at the time of previewing.
The Preview will automatically populate based on the option you choose above. To Revert back to Edit your Email, click the Edit tab.

Note: You can also use the Pages drop down menu under the Edit and Preview buttons to Preview to another page of your email.