A Hyperlink is a word, phrase or picture on a webpage that you click on, in order to get another place, allowing your readers to jump to a new area of content in your communication. Inserting hyperlinks is a great way to limit the amount of text that appears on your page - allowing you to keep your message short and engaging; giving your readers the chance to easily find more information if they want to.
Linking an Internal Page or Article allows your readers to easily move to different areas in your Newsletter. If you'd like to link to another article within your newsletter, or to an internal page (i.e.Survey Page), this is the option for you.
To Link to an Internal Page or Article
Create a Hyperlink and choose An Internal Page or Article from the Link to drop-down.

Note: You can choose to link to an External Website, Email Address, Article from a previous Newsletter or an Anchor in the drop-down.
Choose the page or article you wish to link to from the Page drop-down.

Note: You can Hyperlink to an Anchor by entering the Anchor name in the Anchor field.
Click Ok to save and create the link. The text/image will now be a clickable hyperlink to an internal page or article.