
How Customer Connect Monitors Delivery

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Poppulo continuously monitors the reputation of its network very closely to ensure that emails from our customers get to the desired inbox. 

What is Reputation? 

A key strength of Poppulo as an Email Service Provider is our excellent IP and Domain reputation. Reputation is like a credit check. Emails from senders with a good reputation tend to get delivered to the inbox; whereas messages from senders with a poor reputation are more prone to ‘junking’ or being marked as spam. 

How does Poppulo Monitor its Reputation? 

Automated Systems (running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year) are constantly monitoring the ‘Health/Reputation’ of our platform. Any deviation from the norm triggers an alert notifying our expert on-call team before an issue affects our customers. For this reason, independent reputation systems such as Return Path’s Senderscore, Cisco’s Senderbase and Microsoft’s Sender Network Data Services consistently score Poppulo’s IPs highly. This ensures that emails from Poppulo Harmony are more likely to get to the inbox when compared to our competitors. 

Additionally, images from senders with higher scores will be automatically displayed in Gmail and Microsoft’s, as illustrated below. This in turn provides our customers with a distinct advantage when using our platform to send email. 

 User-added image
Image Source: Return Path

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