
Enterprise Email Report:s Enterprise Overview

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The Email Enterprise Overview dashboard provides Enterprise Admins with a single view of activity across the Enterprise with a breakdown of total Email send volumes and key metrics for each Sub-Account at a glance. 

This article provides information on how to find this report, how to filter it, and a break down of the various report tiles within the Email Enterprise Overview dashboard.
Note: You need to be an Enterprise Administrator to view this dashboard. It can take up to 24 hours after an Email send for data to process and display in this report. 

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Note: Within your Poppulo Harmony account, you can hover over the info markers on each report tile for further information as needed. 


To View your Email Enterprise Overview

  1. ​In the Enterprise Area of your account, select Reports from the menu on the left. ​Expand the Email navigation options and select Enterprise Overview
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To Filter your Reports

  1. These reports can be filtered by Sent Date; Standard Date Range filter based on Email send date. You can select from preset or custom date ranges. 
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    The results can also be filtered by Account Name;  Select the drop-down arrow to choose one or multiple Sub-Accounts of interest under your Enterprise to view relevant account data.
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  2. Whenever you make changes to your filter, remember to select the Update button, at the top right of the screen, to view the updated results. 
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The Email Enterprise Overview 

The following section is a break down of each report tile in the Email Enterprise Overview dashboard. 
Note: You can also Download Reports, from any of your report tiles, by hovering over the tile, selecting the Tile Actions (the 3-dot icon), and choosing Download data.  
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  • Account(s) with Emails Sent: Number of Accounts in your Enterprise which have sent an Email.
  • Emails Sent: Number of unique Emails that have been sent across all Enterprise Accounts, or across the Account(s) selected in the Account Name dropdown.
  • Unique Recipients: Number of individual people who received an Email within the filters selected. Note: Email sends to recipients that have bounced/not delivered are not counted. 
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  • Unique Email Opens: Number of unique opens of unique Emails by employees. For example, an employee opening the same email multiple times will only count as a single Unique Email Open. 
  • Open & Click Rates: This bar chart shows engagement rates of Emails falling within the filters selected
    • Open Rate: Total unique Email opens divided by the total number of Email deliveries.
    • Click to Open Rate: Total unique Email clicks divided by the total number of unique Email opens. 
    • Click Rate: Total unique Email clicks divided by the total number of Email deliveries.

Accounts Overview 
The Account Overview table displays all Accounts within your Enterprise that have sent emails, within the filters selected.
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It displays the Account Name and Number of Emails Sent by the Account. This provides an overview of: Accounts that are most actively sending the highest volume of Emails, Unique Recipients and performance metrics for Unique Opens, Avg. Open Rate, Avg. Click Rate & Avg. Click to Open Rate, Likes and Comments. You can view more columns by using the scrollbar at the bottom of the table. 


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