
Edit and Style a Table

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Poppulo Harmony allows you to create and edit tables to present your data effectively. Once you've Added a Table, you can edit and style them. Give it a try and follow the instructions below to edit and style your tables.

Editing your Table Properties
Editing your Cell Properties

Note: If you've created a table outside of Poppulo Harmony, taking a screenshot of the table and Adding it as an Image may save you time.


​To Edit and Style a Table via Table Properties: 

  1. Select your table and then click the Table properties icon.
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  2. Complete the General tab in the Table Properties dialog box. 
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General Table Properties dialog box explained:
  • Width: Determines the width of the table.

  • Height: Controls the height of the table. Generally there is no need to specify this. If unspecified, the table height will be automatically set to accommodate the content. 

  • Cell spacing: The amount of space between cells. We recommend setting this value to 0

  • Cell padding: The amount of space (in pixels) between the sides of an individual cell and its contents. 

  • Border width: The thickness (in pixels) of the border to be set on the table (leave this at 0 if you don't want a visible border). 

  • Caption: Creates an empty row at the top of the table to add a table caption/title. 

  • Alignment: The table can be aligned to the right, center or left of the page (tables are left-aligned by default). 

  1. Complete the Advanced tab.
    User-added image

Advanced Table Properties dialog box explained:
  • Border style: The style of the outline/borders of your table.

  • Border color: The color of the borders on your table. Enter a hex code or choose a color using the picker. 

  • Background color: The color of your table's background. Enter a hex code or choose a color using the picker. 

  1. Once you're happy with your selections, click Save. Your table will display with your chosen properties.
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​To Edit Cell Properties: 

  1. To edit the styles of an individual cell, row or column in your table, select the table and click the Table icon from the Content Editor
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Cell Properties
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  • Width: Sets the width of the cell, affecting the column with that cell. 

  • Height: Sets the height of the cell, affecting the row with that cell. 

  • Cell Type: Choose between Cell or Header Cell. 

  • Scope: Set the cell as a Row, Column, Row Group or Column Group. 

  • H Align: Horizontal Alignment for your content. 

  • V Align: Vertical Alignment for your content. 

  • Alignment: The table can be aligned to the right, center or left of the page (tables are left-aligned by default). 


The Advanced Cell Properties will allow you to set the border color, width and style, as well as the cell background color. 
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