Poppulo Harmony allows you to create and edit tables to present your data effectively. Once you've Added a Table, you can edit and style them. Give it a try and follow the instructions below to edit and style your tables.
Editing your Table Properties
Editing your Cell Properties
Note: If you've created a table outside of Poppulo Harmony, taking a screenshot of the table and Adding it as an Image may save you time.
Select your table and then click the Table properties icon.

Complete the General tab in the Table Properties dialog box.

General Table Properties dialog box explained:
Width: Determines the width of the table.
Height: Controls the height of the table. Generally there is no need to specify this. If unspecified, the table height will be automatically set to accommodate the content.
Cell spacing: The amount of space between cells. We recommend setting this value to 0.
Cell padding: The amount of space (in pixels) between the sides of an individual cell and its contents.
Border width: The thickness (in pixels) of the border to be set on the table (leave this at 0 if you don't want a visible border).
Caption: Creates an empty row at the top of the table to add a table caption/title.
Alignment: The table can be aligned to the right, center or left of the page (tables are left-aligned by default).
Complete the Advanced tab.

Advanced Table Properties dialog box explained:
Border style: The style of the outline/borders of your table.
Border color: The color of the borders on your table. Enter a hex code or choose a color using the picker.
Background color: The color of your table's background. Enter a hex code or choose a color using the picker.
Once you're happy with your selections, click Save. Your table will display with your chosen properties.

To edit the styles of an individual cell, row or column in your table, select the table and click the Table icon from the Content Editor.

Cell Properties

Width: Sets the width of the cell, affecting the column with that cell.
Height: Sets the height of the cell, affecting the row with that cell.
Cell Type: Choose between Cell or Header Cell.
Scope: Set the cell as a Row, Column, Row Group or Column Group.
H Align: Horizontal Alignment for your content.
V Align: Vertical Alignment for your content.
- Alignment: The table can be aligned to the right, center or left of the page (tables are left-aligned by default).
The Advanced Cell Properties will allow you to set the border color, width and style, as well as the cell background color.