
Edit an Audience

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Audiences allow you to manage and control which emails an employee can receive from a particular Folder. When you Add an Audience to a Folder, only employees in that Audience can receive emails from that Folder. When you Import Employees you must Add People to an Audience in order for your employees to be able to receive emails. When a employee's Audience matches the Folder Audience, they can receive emails from that Folder. Use the instructions below to edit an Audience. 

To Edit an Audience:

  1. In the People area of your account, select Audiences from the menu on the left. 
    User-added image
    Note: If you do not see the Audiences option, you are using Simple Audience Management.

  2. Select the Name of the Audience you'd like to edit. 
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  3. Edit the Name, Display Title or Description for your Audience, then select Save to save your edits.
    User-added image

    • The Audience Name is how you will identify this Audience within the system. It is visible within your account only, and is not seen by employees.

    • The Display Title is how this Audience will be described in your employee record, Subscribe and Unsubscribe page.

    • The Description is visible within your account only and is not seen by employees.

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