
Edit an Article's Different Language Versions in a Newsletter

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Editing a Multilingual Email follows the same steps as a regular Email. To edit an Article in other supported languages, you'll toggle between the different language version of the Email. Use the steps below to edit an Article in multiple languages in your multilingual Email.

To Edit an Article in Multiple Languages:

  1. Create or Edit an Article in your Email.

  2. Use the drop-down to choose the language version of the Article you'd like to edit. 
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    Note: If you are viewing or looking to add an Article to another language version of the Email, you still need to Create a Default Language Version of an Article before adding the additional language versions of the Article. You must add a Title as well as Summary and Full Story content in order for each language version to appear in your Email.

  3. When you've finished editing the Article, choose Save
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