A Hyperlink is a word, phrase or picture in a webpage that you click on to go to another place. Adding a hyperlink to text or images allows your readers to click on and jump to a new area of content - for instance, clicking on a hyperlinked image and jumping to your intranet or a relevant article.
Inserting hyperlinks can be a useful way to limit the amount of text that appears on your page, allowing you to keep your message short and engaging, and giving your readers the chance to easily find more information if they want to. Use the Instructions below to edit or remove a previously created hyperlink.
Highlight the text or image that is hyperlinked.
Click on the Insert/edit link icon.

- Edit your hyperlink via the Insert/edit link screen. Click Ok to save and finish.
Highlight the text or image that is hyperlinked.
Click on the Remove Link icon. 

Note: You can also delete the content entirely to remove a link.
- The Hyperlink to your text/image will now be removed.