
Campaigns: Create or Delete a Campaign

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A Poppulo Harmony Campaign allows you to plan and execute a genuine cross-channel digital campaign comprised of Email, Mobile and Feed content. You can measure content across your Channels, giving you a consolidated view of your digital campaign performance. Results can be viewed at a global campaign level, and also viewed on a per channel, or segmented basis. Once you've created a Campaign, you can Apply Campaigns to your Content.

You can create Campaigns in the Enterprise Monitor to use across all sub-accounts, or at a Sub-account level for use in a single account only.
Use the instructions below to;


To Create a Campaign:

  1. In the Plan area of your account, select the New Campaign button.
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    To create a campaign to use across a number of sub-accounts within an Enterprise, click Plan in the Enterprise Monitor (only for Enterprise Administrators).
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  1. Set the Campaign Name and Dates.
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    Note: You can add a description to give the other users of your account more information on the Campaign. 

  1. Choose an Audience for your Campaign. (Choose between Everybody, Tags and Segments.) 
    Note: The option for Audiences is only available to Analytics customers, and is not available for Feeds or Mobile.
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    • Instead of all employees, you can use a Tag or multiple Tags including Distribution Lists used as Tags.
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      Note: Employees added to a Tag after a campaign is created, may take up to 24 hours to be included in the Audience. 

    • The final option, for a more targeted Campaign, choose a Segment (Department, Business Unit, Region, Country), then choose your value(s).
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      Note: Combine Segments using the "AND" button. 


  1. Click Save. Your Campaign will now appear in the list of Your Campaigns.
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    Note: You can now Apply Campaigns to your Content.


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To Delete a Campaign:

  1. Go to the Plan area.
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  2. Click Delete beneath the Campaign you'd like to delete. 
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  3. Click Delete to confirm the deletion. 
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    Note: Your data will not be deleted, and you will not be able to filter reports with this Campaign. This deletion cannot be undone. 

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