When you Create a Custom Report, there are several report types to choose from. Each different report type will help you target the specific data that suits your organisational needs.
A Content Popularity Section Report shows metrics for a particular article or section in your Newsletter, on a single or multiple mailings. To create a Content Popularity by Section Report, follow the instructions below:
To Create a Content Popularity by Section Report:
Create a Custom Report.
On the Custom Reports screen, select the New report button.

The Create a new Report page is where you can choose your Report Name, Format and Type.

Enter the Report Name and choose your preferred Report Format for viewing the data.

Note: Some report formats have a limit on how many emails you can report on. Limits - PDF(.pdf): 60 emails, Excel(.xls): 200 emails.
Choosing .pdf, .csv or .xls, as the Report Format will reveal additional Scheduling and Email Options (see below).

Choose the Content Popularity by Section radio button under Report Type and click Next.

Choose Parameters.

Choose a Folder from the Select Folder drop-down (as this report targets Newsletters, Flyer and Event Folders will not be available), and select an option from the Select emails to report on radio buttons. (These are the emails that your report will be based on.)

Note: You must Select a Folder before Selecting emails.
Complete the additional parameter options. Then, click Next.

Report includes - Choose whether your data is displayed in a Grid, Chart or both in your report.
Report numbers - Choose whether your figures are displayed as Actual Values, Percentages or both in your report.
Metrics Selected - Choose the metrics being reported on. Total Clicks will be selected by default.
Sections to chart - Choose the sections of the Email that will be reported on. This is mandatory and is highlighted above. Once clicked, a Select Sections to Chart window appears, letting you choose which sections to include using the checkboxes.

Optional rows - Choose if you'd like to include in your report the additional rows of Total and/or Average.
Optional columns - Choose if you'd like to include in your report the additional columns of the selection average and/or distinct figure.
Options - This allows you to make changes when running the report.
Choose to filter by Saved Search(or not) and click Next.

Filter by Saved Search - This allows you to run your report on a specific group of employees, excluding those not in your selected saved search. Use the checkbox to enable the filter and then and click Edit Selection to choose a Saved Search.
Checking Allow change when running the report checkbox will enable you to choose (or choose to overwrite) your filters when running your report.
- Review your Content Popularity by Section Report, then choose Save. (Alternatively, click Save & Run to run the report now.)

Note: The Review page is a complete summary of all information entered during the Create a Report process. Review this information carefully to ensure you're report accurately targets the data you would like to capture.