
Reports: Combine Metric Search Criteria

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Metric Search lets you identify People based on reporting related data such as opens, clicks and survey results. Use the instructions below to combine Metric Search criteria. 

To Combine your Metric Search Criteria:

  1. In the Reports area of your account, choose Metric Search from the menu on the left. 
    User-added image
    Note: If you have Advanced reports, you will find this under Additional Reports.

  2. Select your search criteria from the drop-downs and then add more search criteria for your combined search by selecting the + button. The example below uses the combined search of Sent Specific Email AND Opened Specific Email to return the results of only those who received the latest CS Summit Update email AND opened it; excluding those who didn't open it. 

    Combining Search Criteria
    Note: You can add or remove multiple criteria to your search by clicking the + and icons to the right of your search query.

  3. When you combine search criteria, you can use any of the following Search Operators: Choose to add AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT to your combined search by using the AND drop-down. 
    User-added image

  • AND: Use this when searching for People where the first statement is true AND the second statement is also true

  • OR: Use this when searching for People who match either the first statement OR the second statement

  • AND NOT: Use this when searching for People where the first statement is true AND the second statement is false

  • OR NOT: Use this when searching for People who match the first statement OR don't match the second statement

Note: You can combine as many search statements as you like if you are using the same search operator to combine them all (i.e. all AND or all OR). If you have a requirement to build more complex searches, please refer to Advanced Searches or contact Poppulo Support

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