
Change the Language of your Event

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With Poppulo Events, it's possible to change an Event Invitation to appear in any single supported language. Changing the language of your Event Invitation will see Event buttons and other areas of the template that are not editable appear in the chosen language. Always preview and test your Event to see any changes to the language, before a live send. Follow the steps below to change the language of your Event Invitation. 

Note: The instructions below are for Advanced Events. To learn about Simple Events, please view our article on Simple Events.


To Change the Language of an Event: 

  1. Create an Event Invitation or edit an Event.

  2. In the Settings drop-down, click Email Settings.
    User-added image

  3. Choose a Language from the drop-down. 
    User-added image
    Note: All languages the template supports will appear in the drop-down. 

  4. Click Save.
    User-added image
    Note: If your Event is live, you will need to Republish your Email.


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