
Add the Poppulo Harmony Server to your IE Trusted Sites List via Group Policy

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To improve monitoring and measurement of your IC emails and to improve open rates, your IT administrators can set group policy to enable automatic picture downloading for your email communications. Automatic Image Downloading allows us to track internal email opens more consistently, yielding more accurate email metrics reporting.

To Add our Server to your IE Trusted Sites List via Group Policy: 

To more effectively track email and for images to be displayed automatically, the Poppulo Harmony Server should be included within your network’s trusted zones.

This is an Internet Explorer security setting which blocks content from untrusted sites, and your communications email will contain a message asking the reader to “download content from an unknown website”. To avoid this, and enable automatic content download and open tracking for internal email, place the Poppulo Harmony server name (https://* or http://* into the trusted zones file (if unsure about HTTP vs HTTPS please reach out to Poppulo Support). This is best implemented as a company wide Group Policy setting rather than individually on each employee workstation.


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