
Add Questions to your Survey

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When you Create a Survey or Edit a Survey there are several survey question options available. Use the instructions below to add Survey Questions. 

To Add A Survey Question: 

  1. Create or Edit a Survey.

  2. Under your survey Name and Close Date is a form for creating questions.
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The Question Type drop-down lets you choose what type of question you'd like to ask, with a maximum of 2,000 characters per question.
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  • One Answer Only (Radio Button): Respondents can choose one option from a list of answers pre-populated by you. (max answer length of 255 characters)

  • Multiple Answers (Checkbox): Respondents can select multiple options from a list of answers pre-populated by you. (max answer length of 255 characters)

  • Grid: Respondents can choose an answer from a grid. You will need to pre-populate row items and answers to create the grid. (max answer length of 255 characters)

  • Open Answers (Text Entry): Respondents can type their own answers into a small text area (max answer length of 1000 characters)

  • Open Answers (Textarea Entry): Respondents can type their answers into a large text area. (max answer length of 1000 characters)

  1. You can also choose the Layout of your Survey questions. 
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    • Vertical: Displays the answer options for this question vertically in a list. (Most commonly used layout)
  • Horizontal: Displays the answer options for this question horizontally, one beside the other.
  1. You can now start adding your questions.
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    Question label: A mandatory step. This Question label isn't shown to your respondents, it is used by the system to identify the question.

    Question display: You can enter your questions into the display box and use the content editor (highlighted) to lend some formatting to your questions where required. 

  2. If you have chosen the Question Type One Answer Only or Multiple Answers, add your Answers, one answer per line. 
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    Note: You can choose whether to Allow other answers from your respondents and give some context/instruction with the options of Other label and Other text. You can also choose whether the question is Mandatory or not by ticking the checkbox. 

  3. If you have chosen the Question Type Grid, add your Answers, one answer per line, and add your Rows, one row item per line to build your grid.  User-added image
    Rows are the items you want the survey respondent to provide an answer on. They are typically statements. For example, a row might be "I understand the change communicated to me", and the answers would allow the person to state to what extent they agree, or disagree, with that statement.

    Note: You can choose whether the question is Mandatory or not by ticking the checkbox. 


Adding Additional Questions: 

  1. At the bottom of the survey question form, there is a button to Add Another Question. Adding another question will bring up a brand new question form to fill out. 
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    Note: You can also choose to Delete the Question or Add a page break. Adding a page break places questions on separate pages. Your respondents will be directed to a new page once they've answered the previous question.

  2. Questions can be expanded or collapsed by using the [ + ] and [ - ] icons beside the Question Name. You can drag and drop your question using the cross icon on the right. 
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