
Add Articles to your Media Library

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The Media Library is a great place to store content that can be reused across future communications, and by other Poppulo users within your organisation. You can store different File Types and Upload a Zipped File to your Media Library.

You can also create and add articles to your Media Library. This is useful when you frequently add an article to your newsletter, or if you create an article template using a styled table, for example. There are several ways you can add articles to your Media Library.

To Add an Article to your Media Library:  

  1. Access the Media Library

  2. The Media Libraries available in your account are displayed on the left-hand side of the screen. Select the library you would like to upload the article to. 
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  1. Click the Add drop-down and choose Add new Article.
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    You can also:

  2. The Create an Article page opens, allowing you to create the article you'd like to add. Click Save when done.

  3. The Article will now appear in your Media Library.
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To Add an Existing Article to your Media Library:

  1. Edit the Email containing the Article you'd like to add to your Media Library.

  2. When editing your Newsletter, in the Articles drop-down, choose All Articles.
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  3. From the list of Articles, use the checkboxes to choose the Articles you'd like to move. Then, click the Add To Library button.
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  4. Choose a Folder in your Media Library to add the Articles to. Then, click Add to Library.
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    Note: Check the 'Show Library' checkbox to open the Media Library.

  5. The Articles will now appear in your Media Library.
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To Import Articles from an RSS Feed into your Media Library: 

  1. Go to the Comms area and select Media Library from the menu on the left.
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  2. In the Media Library, click on the Add drop-down and then select Import from RSS.
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  1. Choose an RSS Feed to add Articles from (or Add an RSS feed to your account).

  2. From the list, tick the box next to any articles you want to import, then click Next.
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  3. Choose the Status for your articles, then click Next to import the articles.
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  4.  Once the Articles import, click Done to return to the Media Library. You'll find the articles in your Media Library, in your chosen folder.
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Note: You can also Import Articles from an RSS feed directly into your Newsletter.

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