
A Quick Guide to Sending your First Email

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To get started with your Poppulo Harmony account follow the guide below. 


  1. Log into your Poppulo Harmony Account.


Manage your Employee Data

To send emails in Poppulo Harmony, you'll need people to send to. Your employee email addresses must be imported into your Poppulo Harmony account before you can send.

There are 3 ways employee data can be imported into Poppulo Harmony:

Create your Email

  1. Create an Email

  1. Choose a ‘Newsletter’ type email.
    Top Tip: When giving your email a title, use numbers or dates to make them easier to find (eg: Jan 2023 - CEO Updates)

  1. Create a New Folder or add your email to an existing folder. 

  1. Choose a template and 'Save'.


Add Content

  1. Create an Article for each story using the ‘New article’ button on the edit screen.

  1. Add an Image using Placeholders
    Top Top: We recomment 1920 x 1080 px as the most optimal size. 

  1. Create a Hyperlink where necessary, or Upload a File/Document and Link to It in your articles. You can also Embed a Video hosted on Youtube or Vimeo or Add a Personalised Greeting using employee details.

  1. Create a Survey and Add the Survey to the Cover Page of your Email.

  1. Edit your Email  and move Articles between Sections.

  1. Add and remove components in your newsletter, Sections for example in the Layout View.


Testing / Sending

  1. Send a Quick Test to check for any issues.

  2. Approve and Send your Email if you're happy with your test. 

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