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You searched for: campaigns

Campaigns: Apply Campaigns to your Content

Add individual articles, feed posts or an entire email to a Campaign for more precise reporting.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Advanced Multichannel Reports: Campaigns

The Multichannel Campaigns report dashboard tracks the performance of any Campaigns you've created across multiple channels.
How To Guide | Last Modified 31 May, 2024

Advanced Email Reports: Campaigns

The Email Campaigns dashboard shows a variety of reports tracking the performance of any Campaigns you've created across multiple channels.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Campaigns: Create or Delete a Campaign

Learn how to create or delete a Cross Channel Campaign in the Poppulo Harmony Platform.
How To Guide | Last Modified 4 June, 2024

Campaigns: View a Campaign Activity Report

Learn to view an activity report for your Campaigns.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Tips for Managing your Media Library

If you have a lot of users sharing content via the Media Library, it can quickly become hard to track down content. Outlining a few housekeeping rules can save lots of time further down the line.
Best Practice Guide | Last Modified 4 July, 2017

Advanced Multichannel Reports: Overview

Multichannel Overview reports let you view the results and performance of all your communications across multiple channels.
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

The Poppulo Harmony Landing Page

An overview of the new Poppulo Harmony landing page
How To Guide | Last Modified 24 April, 2023

Advanced Email Reports: Performance

Email Reports: The Email Performance report lets you view the results and performance of all your Emails across your Enterprise and individual Accounts
How To Guide | Last Modified 7 June, 2024

Add a New Feed Link

Learn how to add a new Feeds link.
How To Guide | Last Modified 14 March, 2024

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